Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day


Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful, Lyle, and so very hard to see. Thank you.

mikey said...

Lyle, it's Michael from EYE. I sometimes stop by your blog. It is one of four that I frequent. This particular post is, as Mary said, beautiful. My mother's side of my family has a tradition to go out to north central Kansas every Memorial Day weekend to decorate the graves of my grandfather and his family before him. I have gone every year since I can remember. It is one of my favorite traditions. Seeing this picture reminded me of how some "traditions" are only just beginning. God bless you and your family.

Unknown said...

As those before me have said, this is truly beautiful. I too check your blog avery so often as reminder that tragedy happens, joy happens, and not to get stuck in either.

Anonymous said...

Grace, Lizzy, and I took a drive to visit the site and see the headstone. It is very lovely. I think Randi chose it with you. It was of course strange in a way, to be there. I felt sadness, but also peace. Grace was Grace and found a dog to play with, so joy became plentiful. Thank you for sharing.

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