Saturday, October 14, 2006

A week of groups

After some freezing very windy days all the leaves are off the trees. I worked with several groups this last week including my Concordia class, speaking to 200 junior high kids, a church council and leaders, and a group of 20 youth ministers on the topic of wellness.

Wellness seems like an odd topic for anyone to talk about since I don’t know anyone who is totally well or totally balanced. Wellness is not the absence of illness but is living well with who and what we are. A friend said about those who advocate for a balanced life, that maybe we should be teaching people how to live within an unbalanced life. This would be much more honest and not set people up to think there is a perfect wellness way to be, and most people reach it, all but you, you poor shmock!

So in midst of my own unbalanced places I find myself more balanced and more well, (weller?) than maybe I have been for some time.

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