Sunday, June 24, 2007

morning being time

Working with youth I have always been intrigued by the experience.
What new experience will intrigue them, will wow them, stimulate them into wanting more?

Fr. Richard Rohr suggests that westerns have tried to change Descartes “I think, therefore I am,” into “I experience, therefore I am.” We have saturated ourselves, maybe even overdosed ourselves with experience.

We are not human doings, we are human beings.
An old saying… But I am still struck by the wisdom.

Again Richard Rohar, “I’m pretty much convinced experiences don’t change people; realization does. I think of all the powerful experiences that I’ve had. But only when I taste my experiences enough so they become realizations, do I change.”

Maybe the real job is to help people choose silence. My new innovative intriguing experience is lost unless there is given time to realize it, question it, reflect on it, and just let there be time for inner space to be emptied so that spirit can reclaim.

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