Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Advent / Showing Up

I went to “Bud’s” funeral yesterday, the dad of long time friend. The funeral put words to a ministry that I have been trying to explain. Bud’s kids summarized their parents life with these words, “They show up.” When a fence needed to be put up, they showed up, when a baby was born, when someone was in the hospital, they showed up, if someone was in need, they showed up. What amazing words to hear at the beginning of advent, our time of waiting. In a world of need some where in a stable, some long time ago, Jesus shows up. 

Milestones ministry is often talked about from our institute as tending the baptismal journey. It is a way of recognizing the meaningful, memorable, moments in the lives of our kids, honoring these moments by naming God’s presence, blessing this time, gathering with in the midst of generations and often marking this with a gift for continuing faith. As milestones ministry is a significant way for passing on faith to our children and youth, I think it is also a way of caring for our neighbor.

The words “showing up” is also about milestones ministry. Showing up ministry requires an awareness of of needs and joys, observation and sensibility to know when to show up and intentionality that values showing up as vital ministry. Showing up requires putting aside cultures narcissistic, too busy,stressed out, tendencies and allows us to care for our neighbors. Showing up is an outreach ministry that needs not change the other. It simply reflects loving others because of God first loving us. Naming, blessing, gathering and gifting, the outline for tending the baptism milestones does not change for the showing up milestones.  

So, advent arrives. We wait for Christ to show up. It is very likely that Christ’s showing up will be recognized only when the Christ in us (me, if I listen to my own words) moves out into the midst of our neighborhoods, classmates, colleagues, communities, and into the world, showing up honoring the life’s joys and sorrows.

from weekend training... 
Maybe Peer Ministers understand even better than I the importance of showing up!

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