Thursday, January 26, 2006

Rapid City, SD

From Houston
Another one of my favorite EYE Peer Ministers
I met her at her arrival gate just before I boarded for Rapid City!

Dinosaur Park up on the hill.
Ran this morning in Rapid City. Okay lungs say a bit higher elevation here.
But 60ยบ yesterday!
Ya Calvery Lutheran! A lot of fun speaking to a couple hundred kids and parents.

How odd!
I ran past a place called “Storybook Island” created in 1959. Through the fence I spotted Humpty Dumpty falling off the wall. What was odd is that I know I have seen this before. --- Most likely as little Lyle during one of those jump-in-the-van-and-go vacations. --- We never knew exactly where we were going. We just picked a direction and went!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lyle, our friend Bob has a great Storybook Island story. Years ago when the huge and tragic Rapid City flood hit, Bob's dad was one of the people who searched through the debris for both bodies and survivors. He came upon an arm sticking up in the water and tentatively reached in -- to pull out Snow White from Storybook Island!